Click the top picture to the left to begin your registration.
Your username should be an animal followed by a 4-digit number (ex. cobra7531, tiger8935). Password should be the reverse, number then animal (ex. 7531cobra, 8935tiger). Confirm password means enter same password again. Password must be at least 8 characters long.
For email address, enter (ex., Confirm email address means enter same email again.
Uncheck “Allow comments and friending on my profile” and check “I agree to abide by the terms of service…”. Finally, check “I’m not a robot” and press Register.
Before continuing, be sure to write down your username and password on your Student Login sheet.
Once that’s done, you may Edit your Avatar.
When you are finished with your avatar and are ready to get started making games, click on the Sploder! logo to return to the home page and select Make a Game. Get started with the Retro Arcade Game Creator, but you will the chance to explore the other game types later. Have fun!
Click the Sploder title at the top of this section to visit the Sploder page with more information, ideas, and instructions on what to do next. Have fun!