updated 9/3/24
Watch this Welcome Video
Club updates
NEW FOR 2024-2025! Updates will work a bit differently now. Each week, you’ll use your Login Sheet/Progress Chart to keep track of how many times you’ve used each tool. When you get to the darker circles, make sure you visit the UPDATES page to view the updates we’ve created for you. If you don’t check the updates, you won’t be getting the most out of your time in our club.
Remember: We’re all here to create the BEST projects we can each week, not just the fastest ones we can throw together.
Create and code Live!
We’ll be broadcasting LIVE from our home office during most club meetings. We’ll be able to share tips and tricks, answer questions, provide feedback on your games and projects, and more.
The live YouTube video should load automatically. To join the chat, enter Bloxels username. If you don’t remember your Bloxels username, ask your club leader for help.
Jeremy is Live on Thursday, 11/2!
How will you spend your time today?
Game Jam Info and Videos
Past updates
Spring Week 6 Update - 2/15/22: Switching Paths & Tools, Wonderopolis and other links/games
2/15/22: Create and Code has many different choices for what you can create. If you think you might want to try a new learning path or tool, talk to your club leader so they can help. If you love what you’re doing in club, keep on going!
No matter what tool you’re using, make sure AT LEAST half of your club time is spent creating. Remember, we’re here to create the BEST things we can, not just the FASTEST things we can finish. Happy creating!
Also, be sure to check out the Links & Games under the More section on the main menu. One of our favorites is Wonderopolis, where you can get answers to all sorts of questions you may be wondering about. Enjoy!
NEW! Bloxels Update #9: End of Year Wrap-Up - Posted 5/7/24
The results of the Bloxels Avatar Challenge are in!
Step 1: Watch the top video to the right.
Click here to get started:
Step 2: Log in to Bloxels. Ask your club leader for help if you need it.
End of Year Wrap-Up
Well, this is it, our final update of this school year. We just want to say THANK YOU to all of you Brainiacs for being part of our club this year. We hope you had a fantastically fun time making your games, comic strips, and more. We’ve seen so much growth in so many of you from the start of this year.
We’ll be keeping your Bloxels accounts active through the end of the summer. We hope you will find some time to log in and revisit the things you’ve already created — and create even more! You can always come back to this Create and Code page to review the past updates and the Bloxels page for more information that can help you get the most out of that tool.
For those of you in 5th grade and moving on to middle school, we wish you all the best on the next leg of your educational journey. For everyone else, we hope to see you again in Create and Code next year. We hope all of you have a wonderful summer. Thank you again for being such AWESOME Brainiacs. Bye for now!
Bloxels Update #8: Avatar Challenge RESULTS - Posted 4/23/24
The results of the Bloxels Avatar Challenge are in!
Step 1: Watch the top video to the right.
Click here to get started:
Step 2: Log in to Bloxels. Ask your club leader for help if you need it.
Avatar Challenge Results
It took a little while longer to complete our judging than we expected, but that’s only because there were so many fabulous avatars to look at! Everyone who stepped up to accept this challenge did a wonderful job, but we’re going to recognize three Brainiacs at each school for their extraordinary effort. We looked at many things when making these difficult decisions: creativity, originality, use of color and shading, technical skills, and more. Without further adieu, here are some of our favorite avatar designers (in no particular order):
Tuesday Schools
Alamo: DB, Vikes, baddiegirlevelyn
Bonner: DS, IB, jennythewolf
Roger Bryan: AK, KH, MH
Divich (Tuesday): PC, JS, HE
Ellis: RG, SC, LN
Lamping (Tuesday): MCr, KC
O’Roarke: JP, ZR, VB
Rogers: LM, VR, DC
Steele: MA, CyrusStudios, Ryanisanpro
Twitchell: CO, SpoopyStudios, dragonhunter3
Vassiliadis (Tuesday): LP, GM, ERa
Wolff: KSa, BS, HH
Wednesday Schools
Richard Bryan: MAM, AnastasiaRHB, CP
Goynes: GMP, ZM,SC
Lamping (Wednesday): ZL, plzdontusenahidwin, theinkdemon
Lummis: godzilla2014, JR, CNi
Ortwein: LSan, sharkstudios, GC
Tarr: JG, GV, AS
Thursday Schools
Beatty: MK, LF, SM
Bozarth: TR, JT, JR
Divich (Thursday): CS, GB, LS
Vassiliadis (Thursday): SF, KS, NP
Wallin: Ellacat, DA, EHeb
Kitty Ward: SH, TH, NC
Congratulations to all of our “winners” and to everyone else who chose to participate. Remember: you can update your avatar to make it better or choose a new one at any time.
Bloxels Update #7: Avatar Challenge - Posted 3/26/24
Show off your character design skills!
Step 1: Watch the top video to the right.
Click here to get started:
Step 2: Log in to Bloxels. Ask your club leader for help if you need it.
Avatar Challenge
When your account is first created, it is assigned a random avatar picture from a selection made by Bloxels. Did you know you can customize your avatar with a creation of your own? Our first-ever Avatar Challenge is your chance to show off your design skills.
We will be choosing the top avatars from each school to receive special recognition. To enter the challenge, all you need to do is create and set your avatar image by the end of next week (by Friday, April 5th). We’ll be able to see it for judging once it’s been set.
Here are some instructions for creating and choosing your avatar.
A. Challenge rules & Requirements
An avatar is a digital representation of you. It can be made to look like you or to look completely different. You can find ways to show a part of your personality, or you can use an image that you feel represents who you are. Your avatar is a way to share something about the real-life you in the digital world.
For this challenge, your avatar must be your own ORIGINAL creation. This means you may not remix a previously created character to serve as your avatar, no matter how much you customize it. To win this challenge, your avatar must be made entirely by you. It’s fine if you want to use a character you’ve already created earlier instead of starting from scratch now.
Your avatar must be set by Friday, April 5th to be considered.
B. Creating a new avatar
First of all, avatars must be created as characters, not art. Avatars are not animated. They will match what you see when you choose the character from the Character Builder select screen. This image comes from the first frame of your character in the IDLE state. If you’re creating a new character simply to act as your avatar, this is the only state you need to complete. Be sure that first frame looks exactly how you want it before setting your avatar.
The view you see of your character on the Character Builder selection screen is what it will look like if selected to be your avatar.
If you’re creating a new character just to serve as your avatar, you only need to complete one frame of the IDLE state.
C. Setting your avatar
Once your character has been created, you’ll need to go to your Profile to set it as your avatar. From the home screen, you can click on the button that says MY PROFILE. From anywhere else, you can click the square where you see your avatar and then select PROFILE from the menu that pops up.
Once you’re at your profile, press the Pencil icon next to your avatar picture. This will allow you to choose a new avatar. It will be set once you click on the one you want.
Your profile screen. Press the Pencil icon next to the avatar picture to select a new avatar.
Just press on the one you want to select. What you see is how it will appear. For this challenge, you must select a completely original creation.
Remember, you have this week and next week’s club meeting to work on your avatar. They MUST be set no later than Friday, April 5th to be considered for judging. We can’t wait to see what you come up with. Have fun creating!
Bloxels Update #6: More Game Ideas & Tips - Posted 3/5/24
Think like a game designer!
Step 1: Watch the top video to the right.
Click here to get started:
Step 2: Log in to Bloxels. Ask your club leader for help if you need it.
Game Builder Tips
A. Use the stamp tool to save time
When you want to create a large chunk of blocks that are all the same, you can save a lot of time by using the STAMP tool. This will allow you to copy and paste a whole bunch of blocks that will all be exactly the same.
1. Go to the area of your game with the blocks you want to copy/stamp. Then press the STAMP tool button (next to the eraser). Note: The stamp tool will copy everything about the block, including the appearance and settings. Make sure the blocks you want to copy are set up exactly how you want them before using the stamp tool.
2. Use the STAMP selection tool to highlight the blocks you want to copy. Then press the stamp button to confirm your selection.
3. Now, move your selected blocks to the area where you wish to stamp them. Press the STAMP button to drop them in place. Now move it to a different area and STAMP again. Repeat as many times as needed. When you’re done, press the X button next to “Drag to Select Blocks” to exit the stamp tool.
Now you know how to use this awesome feature to save a whole bunch of time. Use it to create bigger and better games!
B. Knowing when to publish
- Does your game have a MEANINGFUL TITLE? Don’t just give it any old name. Try to come up with something that will tell your player what your game is all about just by seeing its title.
- Has your game been fully DECORATED? We can change the appearance of any of the blocks in our game, as well as customizing the character and background. Taking the time to make these changes will make your game feel more finished and polished. Unless we have a VERY good reason to stick with just the colored blocks, we shouldn’t be publishing games that haven’t been decorated.
- Has your game been TESTED? Before you publish any game, make sure you’ve taken the time to play through it, thinking like a game designer. Look for problems you can fix and things that don’t work as expected. Make sure it isn’t too easy or too hard. We want the difficulty to feel JUST RIGHT for most players. What can you do to make the game more fun than it already is? Once you have tested it yourself, ask some of your friends in club to play and give you their thoughts before you publish.
Game Ideas
- NEW! My Favorite Sport: What’s your favorite sport? See if you can create a version of it in Bloxels!
- NEW! Sea, Land, and Sky: Make a game that has sections that take place in the water, on land, and in the sky. Make it make sense for the player to be going from to another.
- NEW! When I Grow Up: What do you want to do or be when you grow up? Create a game that shows what your life might be like as an adult.
- A Day in My Life: Create a game that represents one day in your life. It could be showing the events of a day that actually took place. You could also use your imagination to come up with a day where you can do anything you want. Make sure to use story blocks to let your player know what’s happening.
- Inside Out: Create a game where you start at the center or inside of a level and have to “escape” to the outside. Use multiple layers to add challenge to this task. You may wish to use doors with locks and keys (see video), create openings with orange action blocks, or find other creative ways to trap the player. You could also do an Outside In game, working your way from the outside to the center.
- Make History: Re-create a famous moment or event from history. Create custom characters to represent the important people involved. Show the history as it really happened or be creative and change history.
- Day/Night: Create a game that begins in the morning and ends at night. Figure out how to let your player know that time has passed. What happens throughout the day is completely up to you!
- My Neighborhood: Create a game that takes place in your own neighborhood. Feature some of the familiar sights and people in the area. Make it as realistic or fantastic as you want. What could the player be trying to do?
- Further Adventures of My Favorite Character: Use a character from one of your favorite games, movies, books, comics, tv shows, etc. What type of new adventure can you create for this character? Try to make it so that anyone familiar with the character would recognize them.
Bloxels Update #5: Working Together With Bloxels - Posted 2/20/24
It’s been a while since the last update. We hope you’ve been spending time working on the very best games you can create. We should feel ourselves getting better as game designers every week as we use more and more of the cool features Bloxels offers. It’s fine to spend part of our time playing each week, but we want to use games we play to get ideas for our own projects. Think like a game designer!
Step 1: Watch the top video to the right.
Click here to get started:
Step 2: Log in to Bloxels. Ask your club leader for help if you need it.
Working together with bloxels
Hopefully you’ve made some friends in your Create and Code club. You may want to work together with these friends to create something bigger and better than you might be able make on your own. Let’s talk about two different ways you can do that.
A. Share the work
One great way to work together is to share the responsibilities of making a game. Only one person can create the game on their account. That person can be called the Level Designer. They will be responsible for making the layout of the level, decorating the blocks, changing settings, and everything else that gets done in the Game Builder.
The other person/people can be the Art Director(s). They will be responsible for creating the characters, art, and backgrounds to be used in the game. If there are lots of things that need to be created, you can add people to your team. One person can handle just the characters while someone else focuses on the art.
In order for the Level Designer to use the characters/art in your game, they will need to be shared to the Class Library. From the Character/Art/Background Builder, select the item you’d like to share and then press the Share button from the menu. Once shared to the class library, anyone in your class may be able to use your creations.
To share characters, art, and backgrounds you’ve created to the Class Libary, use the Share button in the menu that pops up when you select something.
When decorating your games, use the Class Library section to find the items your clubmates have made public.
B. Use warpS to create one big game
Awhile back, Bloxels added one of the coolest features, the ability to create warp blocks. These blocks can transport your player to a different area of your level, to a different game that you’ve created or any other game published in the Arcade.
This means you can work with a friend or a group of friends to create a bigger game by connecting your levels together. Let’s take a look at how it works!
To create a warp, start by placing a white Story Block wherever you’d like your player to warp from.
If you choose Place In This Game, you will be able to choose the warp destination anywhere in the same level you’re creating. Choose Another Game will allow you to connect your game with another game you’ve created. Enter Arcade ID is used to connect your game to any other game that’s been published in the Bloxels Arcade.
This is the screen you’ll see when you select Choose Another Game. It will show a list of all the games you’ve created and you’ll select which one to warp to. Note: your warp may be broken later unless BOTH games have been published to the arcade.
When you select Enter Arcade ID, you’ll be prompted to enter the arcade ID number of the game you wish to connect to. You will need to exit the Builder and go to the Arcade to get this ID number.
When you select a game from the Arcade, you are first given this loading screen before you press Play to launch into the game. To find the game’s arcade ID, press the button all the way on the right side of the controller, the one with the i symbol on it. This will bring up the game details.
In this case, I’ve chosen the very popular game Highway Madness. Keep in mind that we shouldn’t be connecting our games to other people’s games unless we’ve talked to them and gotten their permission.
On this details screen, you’ll see the arcade ID where it says ‘ID’. You’ll need to write down or remember this number. Now, return to the builder to enter the ID and complete your warp.
Back in the builder in the settings for the warp block, select Enter Arcade ID and then enter the number you just found. To save, click anywhere outside of this box. You can also select the effect you wish to happen when the warp is activated.
Now, when the warp is used by pressing the Shift key, you will be transported to the other game you chose. You can see the character remains the same because I had the “Transfer Hero” checkbox selected. If you de-select this, you will use the default character from the game you warp to instead of the one you started as.
If you want the warp to work without having to press the Shift key, then select “Warp on Contact”. This will make it so the player warps as soon as they touch the block.
That’s all you need to know to get your warps working and connect your games to your friends’ games. Now, give it a try!
Game Ideas
If you’re stuck on what to create and looking for some game ideas , why not try these?
- A Day in My Life: Create a game that represents one day in your life. It could be showing the events of a day that actually took place. You could also use your imagination to come up with a day where you can do anything you want. Make sure to use story blocks to let your player know what’s happening.
- Inside Out: Create a game where you start at the center or inside of a level and have to “escape” to the outside. Use multiple layers to add challenge to this task. You may wish to use doors with locks and keys (see video), create openings with orange action blocks, or find other creative ways to trap the player. You could also do an Outside In game, working your way from the outside to the center.
- Make History: Re-create a famous moment or event from history. Create custom characters to represent the important people involved. Show the history as it really happened or be creative and change history.
Use your imagination and put your best effort into what you’re doing and magic will happen. Have fun creating!
MakeCode Arcade Update #1: Getting Started - Posted 3/19/24
Bloxels is a fantastic tool for making games, but it’s not the only tool out there. This week, you’ll have the chance to switch over to MakeCode Arcade to learn how to make some games in a very different way. Follow along with this update for an introduction to MakeCode and instructions on how to create your first game projects.
For now, this tool will only be available for 2nd-5th grade students. K-1 will stick with Bloxels.
If you decide to make the switch, we’d like you to stick with MakeCode for at least TWO WEEKS. After those two weeks, you’ll be able to decide if you want to spend more time with it or go right back to using Bloxels as your main tool. Please give Storyboard your best effort and try to tell the best stories you can. You might just discover how much you enjoy it!
Click here to get started:
Step 1: Use the link below to access the MakeCode Arcade page.
Step 2: You don’t NEED to Sign In right away. Any work you do will be save directly in the browser you are using. As long as you use the same computer and browser next time, your progress should be saved.
If you do wish to log in, the easiest way to do so is with your GOOGLE account. You will need to know your full login (email address and password). If you do not know this information, you can let your club leader know. They will do their best to get your login info, but it may take until the following club session. Do not use the Continue with Microsoft or Continue with Clever options.
MakeCode Arcade is very different from Bloxels. Before you’ll be able to start making games of your own, you’ll need to work through several Skillmaps and Tutorials first.
These guided activities are designed to teach you how MakeCode works and how to complete some example game projects. There will be plenty of time later to create on your own, but the expectation for now is that you’ll be using these lessons to learn your way around MakeCode Arcade.
To get the most out of these Skillmaps and Tutorials, make sure you read everything and follow the directions exactly how you see them. Once you’ve completed all the guided steps, you may be able to experiment on your own to customize your games. We just want to make sure we have a game that works exactly as it should before trying to add things on your own.
Step 3: There are a whole bunch of Skillmaps and Tutorials. So which one should you choose to get started? Look under Beginner Skillmaps, use the arrows to scroll all the way to the end of the list, and click on “Beginner Skillmap” to get going.
This Skillmap has several parts. You won’t finish everything today! You will keep coming back to this skillmap each week until the whole thing has been completed. There are three “islands”, in which you’ll complete three different projects. The jigsaw puzzle pieces show stages that have been unlocked.
The puzzle piece at the top above the first island will take you to an introduction stage called “Get to Know MakeCode Arcade”. It is best to start here so you can get a good understanding about how MakeCode works in general. Click on it to select it, then press Start in the sidebar that pops up.
Step 4: Now you will follow the directions step-by- step to complete the introduction. By the time you get done, you’ll have completed your first small game. If you need help, follow along in the video where I’ll be guiding you through every step of the way.
Step 5: When you finish the intro stage, move on to the first island. Work through every stage of each island before moving on to the next island. On Island #1, you’ll create greeting card. With Island #2, you’ll be making a “clicker” game. Wrapping things up with Island #3, you’ll make a side-scrolling “collector” game. It may take you several weeks to get through all of these projects. Check back for a future update where we’ll let you know what’s next after completing the entire Beginner Skillmap. Have fun coding and creating!
Beginnner Skillmap - Get to Know MakeCode Arcade walkthrough
Storyboard That Update #1: Getting Started - Posted 11/7/23
Now that you’ve used Bloxels for a while, let’s switch gears and do a different type of creating. This update will help you get started with Storyboard That, one of our favorite tools for creating digital comic strips.
We’d like you to stick with Storyboard for at least TWO WEEKS. After those two weeks, you’ll be able to decide if you want to spend more time with it or go right back to using Bloxels as your main tool. Please give Storyboard your best effort and try to tell the best stories you can. You might just discover how much you enjoy it!
Step 1: You’ll need to create an account on Storyboard That. Your club leader will let you know if it’s time for you to make the change (not everyone will switch at the same time). They will also help you know what to use for your username and password. Please use the login we suggest for you, as this will allow us to help you recover or reset your password later.
Click here to get started:
Step 2: Don’t “Sign in with Google”, even if you know your school Google login. Instead, we’ll create a username and password. Click where it says “Sign Up with Email” and you’ll see where to enter your login info.
Your username will be a combination of a type of animal and your 4-digit Bloxels password. The animal name MUST be capitalized. All students at each school will use the same animal, and all schools will have a different animal. If you’re at Alamo Elementary, you’ll use Ant. Students at Rogers Elementary will use Ram. Your club leader will tell you exactly which animal you’ll be using. They can also help provide your Bloxels password if you can’t remember it.
Your password will be your username flipped around so the number comes first and then the animal, then a $ sign at the end. Again, the animal name MUST be capitalized. For example, if your username is Snake5575, then your password would be 5575Snake$. By doing it this way, you’ll always know your password as long as you know your username.
Before you press Sign Up, make sure you check the box that says “I have read and understand…”. Once you press the button, your account will be created and you’ll be taken to your dashboard.

Step 3: On the Dashboard screen, you’ll see a list of “assignments”. These are really just some project suggestions you can try if you want. You’re also free to create on your own with no pre-planned objectives.
For your first time, though, let’s get started with the “My First Wordless Comic” assignment. When you’re ready to start creating, press the Start Assignment button.

Step 4: You will first be asked to give your storyboard a title. You can decide now before you start, use a temporary placeholder, or continue without adding a title for now.
Use the rest of your time to get to know how Storyboard That works. You can explore on your own or you can watch the Getting Started video to the right.
For this first comic strip, create a story without using any words at all. Select your setting(s) and character(s). Think about how you can show what’s going on without using words to tell the story. Try to develop a beginning, middle, and end using at least 3 cells.
Your work is automatically saved as you’re creating. If you don’t finish today, you can always come back to this project later.
Other Updates #2: Winter Holiday Coding - Posted 12/11/23 - FOR ALL STUDENTS
Happy Holidays! Here’s are some winter/holiday themed activities you can do if you want to take a break from what you usually do during Create and Code. Otherwise, keep doing what you’ve been doing and work on creating your best games and stories with Bloxels and Storyboard That.
Step 1: Watch the top video to the right.
ABCYa Snowman Maker
Other Updates #1: Halloween Coding - Posted 10/31/23 - FOR ALL STUDENTS
Happy Halloween! Here’s a little treat for you: some fun, spooky coding activities. If you want, take a break from Bloxels this week and give these a try. Otherwise, keep doing what you’ve been doing and work on creating your best games, characters, art, and backgrounds with Bloxels.
Step 1: Watch the top video to the right.
Step 2: Choose one of these Halloween coding activities.
Log in to Bloxels if you won’t be coding.
BONUS: Spooky Bitsbox apps to play and remix.
Check out how the apps work first and then see what you can change to make them different. By the way, these were all created by other kid coders!
Chickens vs Zombies
An interactive game for all. Zap the zombies and notice the dot commands in the code.
The Scary App
How many ghosts do you see? We love the random stamps and animation in this app.
Zombie Lunch
Wow! A simple loop function leads this zombie to more brains.
BONUS VIDEO – Watch during Brainiac Free Time: Look what you can do with code! This programmed Halloween display is absolutely unreal. Prepare to have your mind blown!
Note: Be careful with your volume. Some of the music is LOUD!
Featured Videos
How To Become a Game Designer
Think Like a Coder | Episode 1 | Prison Break
Looking for the rest of the series? Check the Videos page!