Updated 9/6/22
Getting Started
Ask your instructor for help if you need it.
- Click the picture to the left to open BitsBox in a new window.
- Press the Get Started button
- If this is your first time or you have not created an account, press the Let’s Go button. If you have an account, select Kids Sign In.
- Follow the directions to select the Food Fight project from your tablet.
- While coding, you must type each line of code manually. NO COPYING AND PASTING!
- When finished with the Food Fight app, click the home button to return to your tablet’s home screen.
- Before doing another project, follow the directions below to create your account so your work is saved.
- Press the New App button. For now, choose No when it asks if you have a Bitsbox book or card with you.
- Choose at least one of the other four intro projects to complete: Dancin’ Hal, So Long Homework, BlockCraft, or Red Racer.
Creating an Account:
- First, update your user settings. From the home screen/tablet, look to the bottom right hand corner of the tablet screen and click on the gear icon. Enter your first name (or a nickname), choose your favorite color, select your age and whether you are a boy or girl. You may also choose a new background for your tablet. When you are finished, press the tablet’s home button to save your changes.
- Now, you can create your account. Look to the far upper right hand corner of the screen for the hamburger/three line menu button. Press it and then select Save Your Work!
- You will be asked to enter an email and password. For your email, please use the name of an animal with a 4 digit number For example, or Try to choose a four digit number that will be easy to remember, like the last four digits of a phone number you know.
- Password should be the reverse, number then animal (ex. 7531cobra, 8935tiger). Confirm password means to enter the same password again. They want to be sure you typed it correctly.
- Once you’ve entered your email, password, and confirm password, press the Sign Up button.
- When it asks if you have a BitsBox home subscription, select “Nope. I don’t have a subscription.” from the dropdown box and then hit the Done button.
- Your account has now been created. Keep working on more coding projects.
Have fun!
Watch me!
Added 3/30/21
What should I do?
Click the picture to view in full-size. Click with middle mouse button to open in new window.
To start a project, press New App on your tablet, select Build a Numbered App, and then enter the 4-digit code.