Terminal Two

Getting Started

First time? Click this picture to create your account:

Click this picture to log in:

First time? Here's how to get started!

Ask your club leader for help if you need it.

  1. Click the top picture to the left to begin your registration. In the future, you’ll use the bottom picture to log in.

  2. Your username should be an animal followed by a 4-digit number (ex. cobra7531, tiger8935). Your password should be the reverse, number then animal (ex. 7531cobra, 8935tiger). Enter your real age.

  3. You will need to enter a parent’s email so your account can be confirmed. Ask your club leader for assistance.

  4. Check the box that says “I agree with…”, then press the “Sign up for free” button to finish creating your account.

  5. You’re now at the Terminal Two home page. To get started, begin working through Core of Code in the Learning Quests section.

Have fun coding!

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What should I do?

Level up from concepts to coding in five days!

Logic and math are the cornerstones of code. The games in this bundle teach players the basic concepts that all budding programmers need to learn.

If it is programmed to make decisions without user control, it is probably A.I! Programmers of all levels can learn to design artificial intelligence.

Learning to code is the same as learning any other language: you must practice both reading and writing it to become fluent.

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