First time? Here's how to get started! Note: There are no accounts with Brush Ninja and you will be unable to save your work online.
Ask your instructor for help if you need it.
Click the picture to the left to openBrush Ninjain a new tab.
Watch the tutorial video below for a guide to the basics of animating with Brush Ninja.
Begin exploring the various tools to create your first animation.
There is no way to create an account to save your work online with Brush Ninja. Instead, your instructor can help you export your animation as a GIF and send it to parents via email or other methods. When you are completely done with your animation, raise your hand and ask for help to save and share your work.
Key poses from the animation are known as key frames. These are where changes of action or position take place. In traditional animation these were done by the most experienced, most senior artists. The tweens would be done by the less senior members of the team.
When drawing frames one by one it can be hard to make smooth
animations. Getting the timing and positioning right is difficult. Onion
skinning shows you a semi transparent version of previous and upcoming
frames so that you can draw the current frame appropriately.