Storyboard That
Updated 11/7/23
Storyboard that updates
Check back to this section each week to see if new updates have been posted. Take the time to read and watch them! I will be sharing important information that will help you get the most out of your time in our club.
Remember: We’re all here to create the BEST projects we can each week, not just the fastest ones we can throw together.
Storyboard That Update #1: Getting Started - Posted 11/7/23
Now that you’ve used Bloxels for a while, let’s switch gears and do a different type of creating. This update will help you get started with Storyboard That, one of our favorite tools for creating digital comic strips.
We’d like you to stick with Storyboard for at least TWO WEEKS. After those two weeks, you’ll be able to decide if you want to spend more time with it or go right back to using Bloxels as your main tool. Please give Storyboard your best effort and try to tell the best stories you can. You might just discover how much you enjoy it!
Step 1: You’ll need to create an account on Storyboard That. Your club leader will let you know if it’s time for you to make the change (not everyone will switch at the same time). They will also help you know what to use for your username and password. Please use the login we suggest for you, as this will allow us to help you recover or reset your password later.
Click here to get started:
Step 2: Don’t “Sign in with Google”, even if you know your school Google login. Instead, we’ll create a username and password. Click where it says “Sign Up with Email” and you’ll see where to enter your login info.
Your username will be a combination of a type of animal and your 4-digit Bloxels password. The animal name MUST be capitalized. All students at each school will use the same animal, and all schools will have a different animal. If you’re at Alamo Elementary, you’ll use Ant. Students at Rogers Elementary will use Ram. Your club leader will tell you exactly which animal you’ll be using. They can also help provide your Bloxels password if you can’t remember it.
Your password will be your username flipped around so the number comes first and then the animal, then a $ sign at the end. Again, the animal name MUST be capitalized. For example, if your username is Snake5575, then your password would be 5575Snake$. By doing it this way, you’ll always know your password as long as you know your username.
Before you press Sign Up, make sure you check the box that says “I have read and understand…”. Once you press the button, your account will be created and you’ll be taken to your dashboard.

Step 3: On the Dashboard screen, you’ll see a list of “assignments”. These are really just some project suggestions you can try if you want. You’re also free to create on your own with no pre-planned objectives.
For your first time, though, let’s get started with the “My First Wordless Comic” assignment. When you’re ready to start creating, press the Start Assignment button.

Step 4: You will first be asked to give your storyboard a title. You can decide now before you start, use a temporary placeholder, or continue without adding a title for now.
Use the rest of your time to get to know how Storyboard That works. You can explore on your own or you can watch the Getting Started video to the right.
For this first comic strip, create a story without using any words at all. Select your setting(s) and character(s). Think about how you can show what’s going on without using words to tell the story. Try to develop a beginning, middle, and end using at least 3 cells.
Your work is automatically saved as you’re creating. If you don’t finish today, you can always come back to this project later.
Getting Started
Ask your instructor for help if you need it.
- Click the TOP picture to the left to begin your registration. If you already have an account, click on the BOTTOM picture to login.
- When Storyboard That loads, press SIGN UP WITH EMAIL (you won’t actually need your email address). Your username should be an animal followed by a 4-digit number (ex. cobra7531, tiger8935). Your password should be the reverse of your username, number then animal (ex. 7531cobra, 8935tiger). Ask your club leader if you have any questions about creating your username or password.
- Check the box that says “I have read and understand…”. Press the Sign Up button when you are ready.
- If you clicked on the picture to access Storyboard That, your account should now be created and you should be at the dashboard ready to get started on your first comic strip.
- Do not go any further until you have recorded your username and password. Ask your club leader for a Student Login sheet if you haven’t already been given one. Use the form below to submit your login details electronically.
- Click the Create a Storyboard button to get started.
- You can explore on your own for a few minutes, but then come back here and watch the video to the left, Getting Started with Storyboard That.
- If you got to Storyboard That some other way and you are asked for more information while creating your account, enter:
- School/Teacher Name: techbrainiacs
- Access Key: techbrain23
- Your Name: Full first AND last name
- Press Join to officially create your account, but you still need to join the TechBrainiacs class.
- From the next screen, your dashboard, scroll down until you see the My Classes section. Press the Manage My Classes button.
- On the My Classes page, look under Available. Find TechBrainiacs and then press Join on the TechBrainiacs Create and Code class. The class password is techbrain23. Voila! You’re all set!
- Click the Create a Storyboard button to get started creating.
Have fun!
Watch Me!
getting started
What should I do?
Here are some ideas to help you get started creating. You can find many more HERE.
Take a moment to recall the happiest time in your life so far. When was that? What made it so special?
Now, keep that memory alive within you as you go about your day and deal with all the problems ahead. The memory will keep you going.
Working with your best friend, you’re designing a computer program to do something miraculous, something never done before. It will answer a basic need all people have. What does your computer program do?
You are riding the bus and looking at the people who come on board. You suddenly find you have the power to read the thoughts of others. Someone sits down across from you, you close your eyes and read their minds. What stories do you hear? What surprises do you uncover? What do you learn?
It’s time to think of a woman in history whom we admire and would even like to meet and exchange thoughts if we could. Which woman captures your imagination? What would you want to say to her or ask her? Why does she have meaning for you?
There are so many female characters on Choose one to represent a woman whom you admire and create a comic strip about her life. Your hero may be someone who lived in another time or is among us today. She may be someone you know or want to know.
Each of us has at one time finished reading a book and said to ourself, ‘’I wish this book never ended,’’ and hoped for more pages or a sequel. Now, with you can create a comic strip and continue the story of your favorite characters. Did they live happily ever after? What new adventures or problems did they encounter? What happened to them after they grew up? Did everything work out as it was supposed to? You be the author-creator now as you build your comic strip. Have fun!
Other ideas
- Practice new vocabulary words
- Create a comic strip about your own life
- Create a daily comic strip diary
- Create your own comic strip hero and write a series of stories about him/her/it
- Create an illustrated poem or song