Splice Beatmaker
Created 9/5/22
Getting Started
First time? Here's how to get started!
Note: This site uses sound and requires headphones. Ask your instructor for help if you need it.
- Click the picture to the left to open Splice Beatmaker in a new tab.
- When the site loads, you’ll see an example beat already there. Press the play button to give it a listen!
- Before you go any further, it’s time to create your account:
- Click the Sign Up button in the upper right corner.
- Your username should be an animal followed by a 4-digit number (ex. cobra7531, tiger8935). Your password should be the reverse of your username, number then animal (ex. 7531cobra, 8935tiger). Ask your instructor if you have any questions about creating your username or password. You may enter your own email address if you wish. Otherwise, just use the yourusername@tb.com (ex. cobra7531@tb.com, tiger8935@tb.com)
- Check the box that says “I have read and understand…”. Press the Sign Up button when you are ready.
- Press Back to Beatmaker on the popup.
- Now that your account has been created, try remixing this beat. Click on the squares to turn on/off the sounds. If you click on the pictures of the instruments at the beginning, you can hear each what each sounds like individually.
- When you’re finished remixing, be sure to save your new beat. Give it a title like My First Remix or something else.
- Once you’ve saved, press Clear. It’s time to make your first beat from scratch! Experiment with the sounds and use the videos below for help.
Have fun creating!