Note: This site uses sound and requires headphones. Ask your instructor for help if you need it.
- Click the picture to the left to open Incredibox in a new tab.
- Press the Try Web Version button.
- When the app loads, follow the directions and Select a Version to Start Mixing Music. You will only be able to select the top four choices: Alpha, Little Miss, Sunrise, or The Love.
- The version you selected will load, be patient. When it does, press the Play (triangle) button in the bottom-center of the screen to load the mixer.
- This is where you will be creating your mix. Each of the different icons represents a different sound. You will grab and drag these different sounds on to the different models to create your song. As soon as you drag the first sound onto the first model, the song will begin to play. Add more sounds.
- When you hover your mouse over each model/sound, you will see three controls. The speaker/x will mute that sound from the mix. The headphones will mute all other sounds EXCEPT for that one. The x will remove the sound from the mix entirely.
- Have fun experimenting with the various sounds and controls to formulate your first song.
- When you are ready record, click the hamburger/three line menu button in the upper left hand corner. Then press the red Rec button. Your recording will start when you drag the first sound into the mix.
Have fun!