Makecode Arcade
Updated 9/6/22
Getting Started
First time? Here's how to get started!
Note: You must create and log in with a Microsoft account to save your work.
Ask your instructor for help if you need it.
You will still be able to use Makecode Arcade without creating an account. Your work should be saved in your web browser, but not in the cloud. As long as you use the same web browser on the same computer, you should see your progress and saved projects.
Account Creation Instructions
- Click the Sign In button in the upper right corner.
- Leave the Remember Me toggle turned off, then press the Sign In button again to continue.
- If you happen to have a Microsoft account and you know your credentials, you may use them to sign in at this time. Otherwise, you should click No account? Create one!
- On the next screen, you will need to enter an email address to use with your account. This can be your Google email or any other that you have access to check. Then press Next.
- Now, you will create your password. Choose something secure and memorable to you. Then press Next.
- On the next screen, your country can remain United States and then enter your real birth date to confirm your age. Then press Next.
- At this time, Microsoft will send you an email with a code you must enter to confirm your account. Check the email you used and then enter the code. You may need to look in your Spam or Promotions folder. You can uncheck the box if you don’t want to receive info email from Microsoft. Then press Next.
- You will need to solve puzzle to confirm you aren’t a robot.
- Since you are most likely under 13 years old, your account will need parent/guardian consent. Click the button that says “I’m not a parent or guardian. I need to ask a parent or guardian for help.” Then press Continue.
- We will need to have Microsoft email your parent to give consent. Select the “You can email them for help” option. If you do not know a parent’s email address, ask your facilitator for assistance. Once you enter their email address, press Send Email.
- You will not be able to continue using your Microsoft account until your parent or guardian uses the email they are sent to give you consent. In the meantime, you can return to MakeCode Arcade to begin working on the Beginner Skillmap. Any progress should be saved in your browser.
Have fun!
Watch me
Smash Buddies
Build a simple two-player platformer game
What should I do?
We are here to make games, not just play them. Everything that we are doing, even if it seems like we’re just playing around, should be preparing us to make the best games we can.
We are here to make games, not just play them. Everything that we are doing, even if it seems like we’re just playing around, should be preparing us to make the best games we can.
Before you begin working on your own projects, you should complete several of the skillmaps and tutorials.
After you gain some experience with MakeCode Arcade, you will balance your time between working on your own projects, completing more tutorials, and playing games from other players for inspiration. If you spend all or most of one class doing a tutorial, for example, then you need to spend about the same amount of time working on one of your own creations.