Google sites

Getting Started

Click the picture to get started:

First time? Here's how to get started!
Note: You will need to log in to your Google account before you can use Google Sites.

Ask your instructor for help if you need it.

  1. Click the picture to the left to open Google Sites in a new tab.

  2. Log in to your Google account if you aren’t already logged in.

  3. Under “Start a new site”, select the Blank template to start a new site from scratch.

  4. The first time you start a new site, you’ll be taken on a short tour of Google Sites. Read what it tells you and keep pressing Next until you’re done.

  5. Experiment on your own and use the videos below to help you start creating your first site.

Have fun creating!

Watch me

Look at me

Example sites by kids

The Original Createandcode

The original version of the site was created using Google Sites!

What should i do?

Website ideas

You can create a website about any topic you'd like. Here are some suggestions:

  • All About Me and My Family – Who are you? This is your chance to share everything you want the world to know about yourself and your family.

  • My Favorite Things – Create pages to show your favorite music, movies, TV shows, books, sports, celebrities, and more!

  • Pets or other animals – Introduce your pets to the world or simply create a site about your favorite animals.

  • Creative Portfolio – Use your website as a way to display the art, music, animation, video games, and other projects you create.

  • Product Reviews – Make your voice heard by sharing your reviews of products you use and places you visit.

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